What are the odds? Seriously!
I just wanted to give everyone a quick update on my dramatic (okay not really, but kind of) life. Jenny and I went to the Rockies/Cardinals game Monday night. It was a good time although the Cards put on a sad showing. Well we are getting in line to get tickets and I hear someone say my name. I look around rather confused and guess who I see. No, really just guess. Bill. What in the world? Of the thousands of people there what are the odds that we would see each other not once but twice that night. Freaky. The confrontation wasn't awkward at all so that was good. I wasn't sure how it was going to go at the wedding, but now the pressure's off. I just can't believe of all people I'd see there it would be him. Of course Jenny and I had a good laugh about how I nearly fell apart because as you all know I'm still not over him. Yeah right. So this is my life. One random thing after another.
Miss Universe
Tonight while I was baby-sitting I watched the swimsuit portion of the Miss Universe Pagent. I found it fascinating that although a few of the countries on there have a different view of what is beautiful and what a woman's body should look like, all of the contestents were of American standards. For example, don't Mexicans like their women to have a little junk in the trunk? And don't Swedens like their women almost a little husky? These women were all skin and bones, several of them grossly so. Then these poor girls were parading about in their suits and the girl from Ethiopia looked really uncomfortable. I was really surprised that some of the countries allowed women to be doing such things (ie India). It was all just very fascinating to me.Tomorrow starts my hectic two weeks. Everything that is happening is exciting, but it will be hectic nonetheless. Monday through Thursday I watch Chase as usual. Tomorrow night Jenny and I are going to the Cardinals/Rockies game. Wednesday night I'm watching Peyton and Parker overnight. Thursday night is Kaci's bachelorette party. Then Friday morning Chase, Steph, Jill and Ryan will be here. I'm sure we'll be busy, then I have to move. Almost as soon as they leave, my uncle is coming into town for a couple days. After he leaves I think I'll FINALLY be able to catch up on some sleep. I watched Chase tonight. Things are really starting to get better with him. Don't get me wrong, we still have our moments when we disagree, but things are looking up. James and Kelli continue to grow on me as well. I'm feeling much better about my decision to stay with them this fall and not work for Tom and Denise. I'm going to miss Logan and Lauren a ton and hopefully I'll still get to see them periodically, but as far as job security, I feel like staying with James and Kelli is a better idea. They invited me to go on the lake and go waterskiing with them this weekend. I had to turn them down since I will have guests in town and the wedding is that day, but I really want to go with them sometime. I think it would be a lot of fun! School starts in less than a month. What is that? I'm ready to get going and get done, but at the same time school is school and I'm rather enjoying my summer freedom. I feel a lot less busy on a day to day basis.We went to see our house today. I sure hope those boys clean up well! You can definitely tell it's sophomore boys living there. I'm excited for the yard for Lucy, but I need to fix a couple things which will involve a trip to Home Depot I'm afraid. We'll see how that goes. I hope I'll like the room I got. I'm really excited to move into it! I hate that it might take a little longer than normal to get completely settled with people in town, but that's ok. I ought to be off to bed now. Best not to start the week tired!
Yesterday at church we sang some really good songs. I liked all of them and we even sang Amazing Grace which I don't think gets sung at churches enough. I wish we could sing it every week. It's things like that that make me excited for next Sunday. Jenny and I went to dinner at Kaci and Scott's house last night. They're both just so nice. I'm excited for their wedding. They're so cute together.I seem to have developed a cold over the weekend. Shitty. I hate colds in general, but I hate them twice as much in the summertime! I got it from the baby I watch Monday through Thursday. I'm hoping it will be short-lived. Yuck.I read on CNN today that Money Magazine named Fort Collins the top city to live in in the United States. I definitely have to agree. Fort Collins is a great place to live. Also a great place to raise kids. So I thought I had a lot to say on here, but I've found myself with nothing left. Perhaps later I'll come up with more!
Let's All Have a Moment of Silence
I'm in mourning. I just got rid of a whole bunch of bras, underwear and FLIP FLOPS. It was very hard for me to part with my shoes and I didn't get rid of as many pairs as I should have, but I felt that getting rid of any at all was a feat in itself. Baby steps are the key here. I'm trying to downsize a little in preparation for the big move coming up. Not that I can really get rid of that much stuff, but any little bit counts. I'm also working on getting rid of crap in the refrigerator. I'm going to try to buy as very little food as possible between now and then.
Poor Lucy had a minor crisis this morning. She still has a baby tooth that hasn't fallen out yet and somehow it started bleeding. I was on the phone with my mom and she jumped up on the couch next to me, blood dripping everywhere. It was gross. I had to rinse her mouth out and keep her in the sink for a few minutes until the bleeding stopped.
On another frustration station note. Something I've been thinking about blogging about for a while now, but never got around to it: my thoughts and feelings. I hate when people tell me what I'm thinking or feeling and then don't believe me when I tell them they're wrong. This is no one in particular, multiple people do this. They claim my face says it all. I'm beginning to think I need a new eyebrow shape, a face lift, some wrinkle cream or some other fix for my face because apparently it is making faces that I'm not thinking. It is so frustrating because then people get all upset with me because I'm supposedly thinking something that I honestly am not thinking. Perhaps part of the problem is that I'm also a complete daydreamer and my mind wanders ALL of the time. I can't focus on just one thing, there has to be other thoughts running in the background. I don't know why people I assume I'm lying to them. It isn't like I'm constantly going around telling lies. I don't know, it's just really been getting to me lately. It feels like people always assume I'm thinking the worst. Am I really that bad of a person, that people feel like I'm always thinking about things about them? Am I that out of touch with reality that I don't know what I'm thinking or feeling? Finally, an example of a conversation to illustrate my point.
Bill: Are you ok? (referring to our breakup)
Me: Yes, I'm fine.
Bill: No, you aren't. I can hear it in your voice.
Me: Yes I am! (And the honest truth is I am fine, in fact not once have I regretted my decision!)
ARRRGGG!! What he heard in my voice was exasperation that he drunk dialed me in the middle of the night and I was stupid enough to answer!